
Board Game Everdell

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live among the creatures in an enchanted forest? Take a step into Everdell!

This beautiful tableau-building/worker placement game, designed by James A. Wilson and published by Starling Games, enables you to escape reality for a while and journey though the seasons beneath the Ever Tree. 

Are you ready to take on the challenge of developing new settlements by managing resources, constructing buildings, hosting events and meeting new characters?  These cute critters are relying on you!

The game starts in Winter, where you will gain a hand of cards and 2 workers in the form of bunnies, hedgehogs, squirrels or turtles. On your turn you play one of 3 actions:

Place a worker: to enable you to gather resources (berries, twigs, resin & stones), draw more cards, host an event and other special actions to help develop your settlement.

Play a card: from your hand or ‘the meadow’ to add constructions or critters to your settlement. The five categories of cards (Travellers, Production, Destination, Governance, and Prosperity) can give you special abilities, extra resources and victory points.

Prepare for the next season: recall your hard workers back and then gain new workers and a special action for each season you pass through until you arrive at the following Winter, where the game ends.

The player with the most victory points within their settlement wins the game.

The artwork and components of this game are simply stunning. Everything from the game board and 3D tree centrepiece to the wooden meeples and tactile resources make you feel like you are really in the game.  The 128 card deck is beautifully illustrated and could be likened to a favourite story picture book that you just don’t want to put down.

The solo mode means you can continue to enjoy the magic on your own by taking on Rugwort, the mischievous rat who just wants to ruin your plans! 

Don’t worry if you are not yet ready to leave the enchantment behind…with a large deck of cards and different set-up components, the game has a lot of replayability and exciting expansions to make you want to get lost under the Ever Tree for many seasons to come.